Thursday, April 12, 2018

It is Bread Board a Palooza

I went to the Collector's Eye antique show last weekend and came away with bread boards and more bread boards.  Some are good as is, some needed a calico dress and some await painting--here are the things I have ready to list now.

In other news, we have real spring weather today, but they say snow is going to be back in a few days.  My entire family (sisters, children, everyone) has had a crisis of some sort or another this week, so stress levels remain high.  In addition,  I had to delete my facebook page and all my kids' pages because of a creepy stalker.  We all have our pepper spray at the ready and are pretty freaked out.  I think I'll do Instagram for my shop and maybe think about a website--just not sure how to do that, so it may take a while.

As for the upstairs remodel, I've switched from working on the master bedroom to my daughter's room.  We are going to paint her floor, so it is a little easier.  Once she is done, my floor gets varnish, a new rug and a real head board!  Looking forward to a happy change.

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