Thursday, April 18, 2019

Facebook Ads--Do They Work?

Well, I used to get all sorts of attention on facebook, lots of likes and people commenting on my posts, which are mostly about what I am selling.  Then they made their changes and suddenly I am lucky to get 5 responses to any post, and those are all my relatives.  I have been afraid to ask if the 1800 "friends" that I have find me yawnfully boring or if they just aren't seeing my posts.  I took the plunge and bought a facebook ad to promote my eBay store.  Now to see if I should have just flushed the cash or if I actually get a sale out of it.

Here are the primitives I put in the ad:


  1. Good luck! I am not a huge FB fan... That's one of the reasons I cam back to blogging.... But I am not selling things either LOL. Wish you the best of luck! ~Robin~

    1. I knew it was a long shot, and yet I am still disappointed. I think the beautiful weather has a arrived the internet is officially closed for the season!
