Monday, April 22, 2019

Today's Life Lesson--DO NOT BUY A FACEBOOK AD!!!

Well, I placed the facebook ad and got seven whole people to click on the photo, and as far as I can tell, not one person checked out this blog, which was where I sent them to find my eBay store.  I most certainly did not sell anything--the only sales this week were from my loyal customers from way back, thank goodness you girls are still with me!  Live and learn, as they say.  I was doing so well with the selling up until now, that I was in a very creative mood.  It was so easy to look at something and imagine it as something else.  I now have artist's block to go along with my sales slump.  I've been staring at a rather wonderful 1890s pantry tin for a week now, and it still looks just sad to me, I've got nothing in the idea department.  Thus, I am taking a break from the work room and using an creative energy I have to take new photographs of my unsold blues.  I got out some of my blue and white china from the cupboard, it makes a very pretty back drop.

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