Sunday, December 15, 2019


This has been the busiest Christmas season ever on eBay, I have been packing and shipping every day, so unlike the last few years, and oh, do I hope it keeps going this way!  My own decorating and shopping plans have been put on hold, and I am just now getting the trees up and the Santas are still in the cupboard.  Once I get done, I am pretty sure I will leave it up until April.

Here are two trees done, and today I tackle the music room and possibly shoveling out the dining room, which has been an antique disaster zone for two months now, as all my craft work has escaped the craft room and found a new home on every empty space in the dining room.  My husband is no help, as he keeps going to antique shops and just piles his finds on the floor in that room.  Hard to complain when I am just as bad, but I am going to do it anyway!

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