Wednesday, December 18, 2019

You Bloody Bastard Spam Commenters, Stay the Hell off My Blog

I write this basically for me.  I have a few followers, maybe 5 if I'm lucky.  I am so tired of removing crap comments from jerks trying to use my blog for their advertising.  Go away, you rat bastards.


  1. Are you getting comments in a foreign language? I recently looked back at some old comments and found two that had been sent in a language that I could not translate. I deleted them, I'm uncomfortable when I get such things. I hope everything will be OK

    1. They are usually in English, but seem to come from another country. The latest was a REALLY long post from here in the US, and attached to several of my posts. Plus, it was crazy. I'm good, but felt the need to rant!

  2. Sorry that you are getting these!! Sometimes I get them to. I just delete and yes they do show up again ...eventually they give up. I don't post on a regular basis but love my roller and the bloggers I follow. Please don't give up Elaine because they will. Carolyn, west Des Moines, Iowa.♥️♥️

    1. I don't check on my blog as much as I should, so I miss getting rid of the spam sometimes. I am good with the delete button! Thank you!
