Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Broken Wrists and Signs of Spring

A month ago, I was out scouting antique shops, when I spied an old house with an "antiques" sign out front.  The steps were cement, obviously an amateur affair as none of the steps were the same height, especially the last, which was at least 2" higher than the previous step.  I caught my toe on the edge and as there was no hand rail to grab, down I went onto the cement porch floor, catching myself with my hand.  I cried a little, but kept thinking I was over reacting--oh no, wrist was and is quite broken.  It is improving, as I can almost type, but will keep this short, it is starting to throb again.

Here are some spring things to list tonight and tomorrow...


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  2. Sorry about your wrist...hope it feels better soon! I grew up with wonky steps. Accidents waiting to happen!
    Love that color green!

    1. I am almost better, typing is getting easier by the day!
