Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantines Panic and Peace

Well, last week was something wasn't it?  I spent the majority of it trying to breathe through blind panic and looking to make some sense of it all.  I have calmed down immensely and think I have found the peace of good sense at last.  My husband is a physician, so he is on the front lines, and we both are 60, so "at risk".  All through the end of times stories they keep pushing on the news, the statistics have just not been in line with the hysteria.  I have come to the conclusion that either there is something they just aren't telling us, or this shut down of the country is all for nothing.  I have finally been able to "let go and let God".  I have come out of the frozen fear phase and I am going back to work--it feels good to be somewhat normal again.

The flowers are blooming outside and now I am blooming inside as well.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, serene, photos Elaine. Yes, a part of me wonders that too...I read statistics about how many the flu affects and kills each year and it is astronomical compared to this...BUT, I am in a rural area so not as "exposed." Also, I did read an article from a respiratory therapist that made me think harder...he said he initially thought COVID 19 couldn't be much different than the flu...until he saw it first hand.... Of course he was referring to severed cases, but it was horrific. Certainly has tanked our economy though. Please thank your husband for his dedication through this...and stay safe and well.... Robin
