Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Working Waiting and Wondering

I relapse into panic some days and keep myself calm some days.  Today was a good day.  The sun shone and I was able to get a lot of work done for my ebay store.  My husband has seen a few patients that tested positive and they have been improving.  I worry a lot about him getting sick and also bringing it home to the girls and I.  I have lobster hands from all the washing and I swear, my eyes are itchy just to get me to touch my face.  So, like every one else, we are just waiting and wondering what is next, and hoping for better days.

Here are a few pretty things I photographed today:


  1. Pretty, pretty, distractions Elaine. Yes, worrisome times for all for sure...but even the more so for your family given your husband's profession. Praying you all stay well and healthy...and bless your husband for the sacrifice he is making. ~Robin~

    1. Things are looking up this week, he is actually being given 3 days off because the number of cases has been dwindling here. Take care!
