Monday, December 14, 2020

2020 Draws to a Close

 It has been a year filled with anxiety and unbearable loss, and I have tried to make myself so busy that I won't think about the grief that is consuming so many of us.  I have gone even more over the top with my Christmas decorating this year, partly to keep my blinders on as I plow forward, partly to convince myself that I can make things right.  Wishing you all joy and peace in the coming year.


  1. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas...well, as merry as it can be in these times. Little did we know a year ago how things would be so very different just a year later. You have some beautiful treasures to decorate with...I especially love that first tree.... Funny how this has affected us all so differently. Many, like you, have found solace in decorating more...and earlier...this year. Others, like me, have found little comfort there unfortunately. ~Robin~

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