Saturday, March 20, 2021

Trudging Along

 More turmoil as we have had to move my mother in law in with us.  She has been living at home, but needs much assistance, which she was getting from her daughter and her grandson.  He killed himself over the weekend, a sordid story that I do not wish to tell.  I had 24 hours to remove everything from my work room to turn it into a bedroom, which was almost the worst part.  I was panicked at the thought of not being able to do what I have to do, which is lifting to get her upright, as she cannot get in and out of bed without assistance, nor stand without assistance and can only take a few steps with a walker.  Our house is old, long, floors of different heights, and the hallway to my old work room is impossibly small and so hard to get a wheelchair in and out of.  It has been improving, she is settling in and I am getting kind of used to what I have to do and trying not to think about how permanent a change this is to my life.  It has been definitely hard to tend to my shop this week, hoping I will find more time soon.  My husband is home today taking care of her, so I get a break, and just thought I would rediscover my blog.  Sigh.

Since I haven't been posting, I am just putting up some photos of things that have sold so I have a memory of them.

Next, I still have these things, I don't know why the mustard seed bread board is still around, it is some of my finest work.


  1. Oh Elaine....I am so sorry to read of all this upheaval in your world. "Turmoil" is right. How tragic about you nephew (??) ... And while I can somewhat imagine the chaos of both lifestyle and thoughts at having your MIL move in with you. When my mother could no longer remain in her home, I seriously thought about having her come live with me...but I thought through what this would actually meant, and realized that for her own good, it just would not work. Our house was small, and it would have meant my son losing his room...we did not have a walk-in shower, so the issue of bathing was problematic, we too have narrow passageways, and mulit-leveled floors, and with my back issues, I would not be able to lift/transport her. And since she had dementia, it would mean 24/7 care. I had to accept that it would not be fair to either my son or my husband to change their lives so drastically...and I know that it would never be "home" to her and I suspect my patience would have worn thinner than she deserved. It is something I still feel guilt over. I hope and pray you all settle in to the new routine and arrangements smoothly and things go well for all of you. Love all the favorite has to be the egg carrier!! ~Robin~

  2. Oh, it is hard enough without dementia to worry about--that just makes it impossible. My sister tried to care for her father in law, and it did not work. He actually was much calmer in the dementia ward, I think he felt safer. The upheaval is so hard on all of us and I am indeed resentful, but carry on as best I can.
