Sunday, January 23, 2022

All Thanks to God

 It has been a treacherous two weeks, but we are seeing the light at last, for which I give all thanks to God and the good physicians he has placed around us.  My husband came down with covid right after me, recovered as quickly, then one week later, he crashed bad.  I don't know if it was yet another strain or what it was, but it was terrifying.  His doctor reverted back to HcQ and few new things and he finally turned the corner 2 days ago and is doing well, if very weak.

I hope they are right and that this new strain will burn itself out, but who knows anything?  What I find interesting is that 2 years ago, they locked us up, scared the crap out of everyone, had the death count glaring out at us on every news station and website.  I didn't get it, because there were cases here, but they weren't overwhelming, hospitals in our area were almost empty and nurses and doctors were being laid off or having hours cut.  Now, the death tickers are gone, no mention of overwhelming the hospitals, yet, for the first time since this started, our area hospitals have no beds left, they are rationing ventilators because they don't have enough for the huge influx of patients.  Just going to point out that I live in the most highly vaccinated and masked portion of Iowa.  I continue to not know, I don't know anything.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the good doctor is finally on the mend. Yeah, I don't "get" it either.... Methinks you know as much, and likely more than, the so-called "experts." Be well ~Robin~
