Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy Covid New Year

 Well, I rung in the New Year by getting covid, almost exactly 2 years after I had it the first time.  Before anyone knew what covid was, back to Christmas 2019, James saw a patient with a really weird pneumonia.  He got the weird sickness a week later, then I went down for the count.  He gave me a zpac at that time, worried about a secondary bacterial infection and I was better in a couple of days.  He kept getting sicker and sicker, until he took a zpac, and he got better right away after that.  We both had coughs though, that lasted for a month.  We were stunned that our daughters never caught it.  In hindsight, we are certain it was covid (he later checked the pneumonia woman's xray and it was classic ground glass that covid does to the lungs.) and at that point, the young were immune to it.  Fast forward to New Year's eve 2021, I have exact same symptoms as before, but add to it that I throw up anything I try to eat.  I am so sick, I can barely get out of bed.  James takes me to be tested and I am positive (and he was wheeling me around the clinic in a wheelchair--I was that wobbly).  Fortunately for me, the nurse practitioner I see believes in actually treating this disease and gives me the protocol of zpac, ivermectin, pepcid, turmeric, vitamin D, C and zinc.  Now, here I am 2 days later and I don't feel even a little sick.  2 days from "So this is how it ends." to "Was I sick?"  Treatments work, I am living proof.


  1. Happy New Year Elaine (won't say "Happy 2022" as it sounds like "2020 too"). Glad to hear you have access to those therapeutics. Here in my neck of the woods, they refuse to give them. My friend's father recently died as the hospital refused to treat him as he and his family requested and instead gave him Remdesivir and put him on a ventilator. A death sentence. I am surprised though that you did not have natural immunity from having previously...or had it already waned? ~Robin~

    1. Well, since I have been exposed to covid every single day for 2 years and never got sick until now, I am going to go with the new strains are that much more infectious and that natural immunity lasts exactly 2 years. I will never never never understand why every human on the planet does not have access to these inexpensive and plentiful medicines. There was a group called frontline doctors that was doing telemedicine and prescribing the regimine, not sure if they got shut down or not. I also don't know why they are still using remdesivir, which has proven to not work and is causing renal failure in anyone that survives. Keep hoping for divine intervention.

  2. oh, meant to add that the new strains are very contagious, our area hospitals are quite full, which never happened last year.

  3. Also, husband is working overtime to keep clinics open, with staff out sick
