Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Taking Photos While The Sun Shines

 It looks like this may be the last sunny day above freezing for a while, so I was out taking pictures all day.  It was still so cold even at 35.  My fingers are not doing so well with the typing, still need to thaw out.  January is flying by.  Anna spent a week at her boyfriend's home.  I took her halfway, so two weekends of 4 hours in the car.  Weekend after that, Grace turned 21 so I took her about town, getting her sushi for lunch, Italian for dinner.  She tried a margarita and did not care for it.  And that is about it for news.

These are some of  my photographs:

1 comment:

  1. Pretty blues and pops of red. I can't remember when we last had sun. Snowing here with lots of blowing and drifting. And they are saying it will be getting bitterly cold again afterwards. ~Robin~
