Friday, February 10, 2023

Tiny Laundry

 Feeling Tom Petty this week "I'm so tired of bein' tired..."  Winter blahs even though winter hasn't been so terrible this year.  Very cold, but snow has been semi-scarce.  We had to shovel yesterday, the heavy wet stuff, but warming on the way, so it should all melt again.  I need to stay away from the doomsday internet, so depressing and concentrate on living in the now.  Since I didn't have a good "switch the crafts from Christmas" idea, I just got out the blue fabric and have been wrapping things up.  I found an old quilt top full of small pieces of 1890s blue calico that I have been wrapping clothespins and brooms and spoons up with.  It was such a good bargain and the fabric is so pretty.

I also found some tiny washboards to add milk paint and fabric to:


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