Oh, it has been a day of petty irritations, thinking I should stay inside and hide! Here is how it goes--get up, sun is shining, get the girls out of bed, head off to Starbucks before we go for a walk. Can't even get in to Starbucks, line is going out the door, so we say why not go to the bakery instead? Now, the Deluxe Bakery people are the best, never had anything there that wasn't the most scrumptious thing ever--until today. It wasn't good and then we decided to go home, get the packing of the ebay done before our walk. The mail came and I got a notice that someone wrote a bad check at my show. To add insult to injury, the bank charged ME $5 for taking the check. When I called, they were completely unhelpful, just told me I should quit taking checks--nice. Thank goodness for the people of Clarinda, the bank there was VERY helpful and told me who to call to get the money back, so now I know how to file a complaint. Really Iowa City? I have to go across the state to get help? So after wasting all this time, I still don't have the boxes packed and we still haven't had our walk and we are HUNGRY!
And now for some Christmas...
Hi Elaine, Neat things, as always. I need to write you a real letter. Maybe today! xoxo Anne