



Monday, July 29, 2024

And I Thought I Used to Have Too Much To Do


I have been MIA as the last 6 months see the liquidation of my father-in-laws estate.  The man was the king of hoarders--we filled 2 jeeps with car magazines and newspapers to recycle, so that was the usual hoarder stuff you find, but that was certainly not all.  We also sent 4 Jeep loads and 3 trailer loads of antique radios to auction, well over 1000 radios.  Next, we have thousands of radio tubes and knobs and speakers and parts and more parts.  Boxes filled with gaskets and car parts, fenders, windshields, tires, everything car.  Then comes my next task after moving all that, the sorting and selling of motorcycle parts. This is one of I think 50 speedometers.  He had some rare ones, this one brought almost $700, an early Harley brought $1000.  We almost sent motorcycle frames to the scrap yard, but decided to try an auction starting them at $50.  They all brought about $4000 each---are you freaking kidding me?   I still have several actual full Indian motorcycles to sell, a couple Harleys, bunch of engines, it is so much fun. NOT. Last week was scrap yard week and despite all that we have moved out, there was still 10,000 pounds of metal to send the the scrap guy.  That is not an exaggeration, it was literally 10,000 pounds.  House finally sold and I think I just have one more weekend of moving crap out, but still months ahead of continuing to sell all the crap that is piled up around my ears at my house.  

Poor old Catspaw is limping along amidst the chaos.  I occasionally get some stuff done...


  1. Wow.... I bet some car/cycle collectors would have been in their glory walking into your FIL's place. Yes, some of that stuff collects top $. I'm curious where you are auctioning the items (not that I want to purchase any but just logistically as you can't really ship that stuff?). But the magazine hoard made me I am guilty of having way too many old magazines and books lurking in my basement. At this point, however, it would take me a lifetime to carry them up (back issues). Anyways, I hope you are compensated for your time and effort so you can find treasures more suitable to your liking. Glad you took the time to pop in and let us know you're still here! ~Robin~

  2. As for selling, we did mostly local pickup only. There were lots of parts that were small enough to ship though. The thing that saved me is that the man that purchased the first frame came back when we had all the heavy parts and engines cleared out and on to my porch. He bought every last piece and took it that day. That was a true gift!
